
Irving Service Station, Saint-Cyrille-de-Wendover

In this project, the SM Construction team was mandated by Irving Oil for the construction of their new service station, located in Saint-Cyrille-de-Wendover.

Location: Saint-Cyrille-de-Wendover, Québec

Client: Irving Oil

Type of project: General Construction

Scope: 1 M$ - 5 M$

The project in pictures

SM Construction participated in this project from the feasibility stage and carried out the project in construction management mode. Thus, the call for tenders, selection and management of the professionals, design and construction were all administered by SM Construction.

SM Construction first proceeded with the complete demolition of the existing building. Then construction of a brand-new building of 8000 square feet was initiated. Constructed on a pile foundation system with a structural slab and tall due to a steel structure, this building can accommodate a Couche-tard convenience store, a truckers’ lounge including sanitary facilities, and an A&W restaurant.

In anticipation of the work, the SM Construction team designed a temporary electrical system to allow maintenance of our client’s services throughout the construction period. Diesel and gasoline distribution and the operation of a temporary convenience store thus were possible thanks to this solution.


Photo credits : Jonathan Robert